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How to write an essay

Mastering Essay Writing

English Language Arts 10, 20 or 30 is hard because of the essays? Same reason that the IELTS or TOEFL exams are so hard. Fortunately, the structure of all of these essays is very similar. And HERE is the place for great essay writing tips.

Essay writing tips

Sample "Introductory" Paragraph for CART, CRT or PRT

We have included a sample Introductory Paragraph. The one included is specifically for the start of a CRT essay (Critical Response to Text) but it pretty much the same for a PRT (Personal Response to Text) as well.

You should start here because the intro paragraph is the hardest to write. If you can nail the intro, your essay will fly. Have a look at the Sample below 


click for download the crazy intro paragraph

Sample Intro Explained

Did you look at the crazy sample Introductory Paragraph? Look around at the labels and the colours. We added the colours so you can see the parts of the Intro Paragraph.

Now we will explain the essay writing tips to you.

click the button above for the file

As already stated, the paragraph is colour-coded to help you see the different sections. Furthermore, I have added a text box to each coloured section; the boxes have information to explain what the coloured section is about. Take time to notice which colours are used for what and how they are distributed. [Again, no, do not colour your essay before you hand it in!! LOL]

But you might look at the introduction and think, “Wow, that is crazy.” And you would be right, it is crazy!! But if you want a crazy mark like 85% or more, then you’d better learn to make crazy introductory paragraphs as well. I am not saying that this is fair, I’m just saying that this is what the high school teachers expect of you. 

Sorry to be the one to tell you the hard truth.

Of course, this introductory paragraph is following a particular “style.” It is only one of various styles that are out there. So listen carefully to your teacher to find out his or her exact style is. And then try to copy that style. If you want that mark from your teacher, then you need to listen to your teacher and give that teacher what he or she is asking for! 

do you wanna more? check out our article

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Troy is a wonderful person and tutor. He helped me a lot in my IELTS preparation. I ended up getting the results I wanted. I really recommend Troy to anyone who needs to improve his english in a short period of time.

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